1·Inherited genetic abnormality: Some people are born with an abnormal gene passed on by a parent.
2·Nevertheless, many people who live well into old age do tend to have another advantage: an inherited genetic pass.
3·Allergy 'barrier' "Allergic conditions often run in families, which tells us that inherited genetic factors are important," she said.
4·All these situations can ring alarm bells, but they don't necessarily mean the breast cancer arose from an inherited genetic mutation.
5·Due to an inherited genetic disease his parents were first Cousins he had brittle bones and the bones in his legs did not knit together properly.
6·Families affected by SADS have an inherited genetic heart defect, which makes them prone to severe abnormalities in heart rhythm, and sudden death, suggest the authors.
7·Mitochondrial DNA makes up only about 0.1 percent of all the inherited genetic material in a human cell and does not affect key characteristics such as hair and eye colour or personality.
线粒体d NA仅占人类细胞所有遗传物质的0.1%,且不会影响头发、眼睛颜色或性格等关键特征。
8·DeCODE has found, for instance, that the same genetic variant carries risks that differ depending on whether it is inherited from the mother or the father.
9·Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4,000 boys and one in every 6,000 girls.
10·Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4, 000 boys and one in every 6, 000 girls.